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Looking after your mental health through COVID-19

Finding the new normal – by having a routine:

  • Get up and go to bed at ‘normal times’

  • When to eat

  • When to exercise

  • When to have down time

  • When to do college work

You will find comfort in finding you have some control and consistency over your daily tasks.

Look after yourself!

  • Good self-care

  • Physical well-being – going to bed at a regular time and getting at least 8 hours sleep

  • Try and eat healthily

  • Exercise and fresh air in a safe way - take part in activities you enjoy where at all possible at home

Take time out from COVID-19 worry

  • This may sound silly but try not to worry all the time! Stay off social media for set parts of the day.

  • Gve yourself a set time each day to do something nice and during this time there should be no mention of anything relating to COVID-19.

  • This is stressful and it’s important to take time away from this – build in to your day ‘worry-free’ time

Make some positive plans for the future

  • What things can you look forward to? Places like to visit, what ways do you want to spend your time?

  • They don’t have to be ‘big’ things

  • Remember this will not last forever and we can look forward to doing things we enjoy once again

Name your worries

  • If you name it you can tame it!

  • Take action to recognise our worries – once named we can do something with them!

  • Make a list of all the things worrying you – write them down. Once on paper and out of your head it becomes more manageable. Take control.

  • Look at the list – identify ways to deal with them – what can you proactively do?

  • Some you won’t be able to change – the future for example. It’s fine, name them but share these with someone. Talk about them, try to accept if some worries we cannot control

Self-soothe regularly

  • Relaxation strategies if you become anxious and overwhelmed

  • Build into your day a few minutes to collect our thoughts and move on

  • Anxiety at this time is normal – but managing this can help massively

Strategies for self-soothing

  • These may seem daft but be prepared to give them all a try

  • If they don’t work, then don’t do them

  • Practice these at a time of calm

Massage your hands

Many people have dry and cracked hands due to ensuring we are reducing spread of bacteria

  • Once you have washed your hands, use a lotion or cream, especially one that smells nice!

  • A self-soothing hand massage can help to neutralise anxiety and calm ourselves

Close your eyes and look inwards

  • Close your eyes – shuts off the incoming information

  • Take a deep breath and sit still for 30 seconds – this can be helpful if you feel your anxiety rising

  • Go and sit somewhere quiet – close your eyes – take a deep breath and think about what you can hear – due to the limited amount of traffic now on our roads we can hear the birds more clearly

Give yourself a hug

  • This may sound daft but when we get a hug it sends a message to our brain that it is safe

  • Give yourself a hug for at least 10 seconds – consider your breathing and sit quietly

  • You are safe right now

Box breathing

  • Breathe in for 4 seconds

  • Hold for 4 seconds

  • Breathe out for 4 seconds

  • Hold for 4 seconds

  • Repeat as many times as necessary

  • When we feel anxious our breathing can quicken – this can be used in response to anxiety rising

Body scan

  • Pay close attention to parts of the body

  • Start at the feet work up towards the head

  • Work on your body and how you feel rather than worrying about the outside world

  • Google body scan and follow the simple procedure

To conclude

  • We are learning as we go, and no one will have all the answers

  • The above may help you to manage during this difficult time

  • Be forgiving of yourself and be flexible – be adaptable and use what works – do what works for you

  • There is no right or wrong way – it is what works for you

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